Gaming • Movies • Politics • Sports • Culture
Giving a new perspective on gaming and sports in general from a fan that loves to discuss all aspects. loves film in general and wants it to return to the olden days when movies weren't garbage. I also want to explore peoples reddest hottest takes on every subject imaginable, especially the ones that are now considered offensive or even treasonous. Above all, Free speech is welcome here at all times and censorship is the worst and I will not tolerate censorship or calls for it in my community.
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The end of an error

Roe V Wade has finally been overturned, when in fact it should have been overturned shortly after it had been enacted. It now goes back to the states, where religious and god-fearing individuals of certain states no longer have to suffer such an evil done unto our society. lets all celebrate with grace and understand it is our calling as Christians and likeminded folk to educate our fellow man on the dangers of such evils and their destructive implications

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